Next up was a peach chutney. I like to think that having one easy and one interesting item on the cooking agenda makes for a class that will hold everyone’s interest…or maybe I just subscribe to that ‘teaser’ mentality sort of like the big news shows…’peach chutney - details to follow’… the chutney is very tasty and works well with chicken or pork…it is also a nice add to soft cheeses like brie or chevre as an appetizer.
Peach Chutney
2 Qts. (aprox 15 med.) - Peaches, finely chopped
1 ½ Cups – Brown Sugar
½ Cup Golden Raisins
½ Cup Onion Chopped
1/8 Cup Mustard Seed
1 TBS. Ginger
1 Clove Garlic minced
1tsp. – Salt
8-10 Cardamom Seeds
2 ½ Cups – White Wine Vinegar
1. Cut a small ‘x’ on the bottom of each peach, drop peaches into boiling water for 1 minute, then into ice water
2. Peel, cut peaches in half and remove pit, finely chop pitted peaches
3. Put all ingredients in a large sauce pan.
4. Bring to a simmer
5. Simmer until thickened, aprox. 30 minutes – Stir frequently to prevent sticking
6. Put water in other two pots and bring to a boil while peaches are cooking
7. Put lids in small pot to heat
8. Put jars in canning pot
9. Remove glass jars from pot
10. Fill jars with hot chutney, leaving ¼” head space
11. Remove air bubbles
12. Wipe edge of can with clean damp towel
13. With tongs put 1 lid on jar and finger tighten ring on jar
14. Put jars into canning pot
15. When water is boiling again, process ½ pint jars for 10 minutes
We all managed to get our jars filled and processed and the class wrapped up in it’s allotted 2 hours. We had a great time and there are a few new canning converts in the central valley. Next class - apples…
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