Asparagus, those little harbingers of Spring. Diminutive green soldiers saluting the long awaited sunshine. It just gets you all wiggly excited for the new season!
Around our house asparagus definitely rates as a favorite vegetable. Unfortunately it has what we consider a remarkably short season. The way we have dealt with this is to simply eat asparagus almost every day, which even for an asparagus lover can get a bit tiring. We just don't want to miss any! Well, now that our farmers market and local co-op are crazy with the green spears, we are in asparagus heaven!

This year, being in full canning mode and determined to have foods we love available to us all year long, or until we pig out on one particular canned item 'til it's all gone, whichever occurs first...I decided I would put up some asparagus. As is my m.o. I did a little practice batch of pickled asparagus a few weeks ago, using

the recipe from Well-Preserved by Eugenia Bone, and let them sit-almost long enough-then gave them a test taste last Friday...YUM! So Sunday at our farmers market I was ready to purchase 12lbs...well the farmer I decided to buy from gave me 3 extra lbs. because I had made such a large purchase, don't you just love that! Last night we set about pickling them. I enlisted my husband's help, since he has only been a 'taster' up to this point and I figured a little sweat equity wouldn't be a bad thing. Needless to say we had a blast, and the result is 8 quart jars of lovely asparagus...let's jar per month will almost get us to next season...fat chance.

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